Paul Inwood is an internationally known composer, workshop presenter and organist based in England. He is acting organist at the cathedral of the Diocese of Portsmouth, England, where he has previously served as diocesan director of music and diocesan director of liturgy. He has worked as editor and music specialist at the St. Thomas More Centre for Pastoral Liturgy in London, and was president of Universa Laus, the international study group for liturgical music, from 1986 to 1994. Inwood edited Hymns for All Seasons: The Complete Hymns of James Quinn, SJ (OCP, 2017), is the author of the hymn book Come, Praise the Lord, A Collection of James Quinn Hymns (OCP, 2018), and is a member of the Collegeville Composers Group responsible for the Psallite project. In 2009, Inwood was named the National Association of Pastoral Musicians’ pastoral musician of the year. In 2015, he was the winner of an international competition for the official Vatican Hymn for the Holy Year of Mercy, sung and prayed in many languages by millions of Catholics around the world. Inwood’s notable compositions include “Center of My Life” and “Take Christ to the World.”